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Showing posts with the label General Whistleblowing

Becoming a Part-Time Physician

Next month my schedule will change.  I will henceforth be off on Fridays with my work week truncated to Monday through Thursday.   I am excited to be enjoying a long weekend every weekend.  And while the schedule change is relatively minor, this event does feel like an important career moment for me.  It is the first step on a journey that will ultimately lead beyond my professional career.  It is this recognition that makes this modest schedule modification more significant than one would think it deserves.  As some readers know,   my current employed position has been a dream job for me.   Prior to this, I was in a small private practice, which I loved, but was much more challenging professionally and personally.   My partner and I ran the business.   Working nights, weekends and holidays were routine for decades.   On an on-call night, if I slept  through until morning, I felt as if I had won the lottery.   And w...

Test Your Medical Knowledge with a Three Question Quiz!

Over the last decade, I’ve shared many vignettes about many gastroenterology medical conditions, diagnostic strategies and treatment options.  However, this is not a medical blog; it’s a medical commentary blog.  In other words, these posts are not a resource for readers who want understand how the pancreas works or how best to treat Crohn’s disease.  My angle would be more likely discussing why patient with Crohn’s might think twice before pursuing a second opinion.  I don’t present the diagnostic possibilities of abdominal pain that could serve as a primer for patients.  But I might point out why a CAT scan casually ordered on patient with stomach pain can tear open Pandora’s box. Pandora should have 'kept a lid on it!' So, in this spirit I’ve prepared a 3-question quiz for readers with the answers found at the foot of this post.   Regular Whistleblower readers will cut through all three of them like a buzz saw    Even t wo of correct answers ...

Is Professional Football Too Dangerous?

I am a casual viewer of professional football.  I have come to realize that sports for many who live in Cleveland is a religion.  Many of these religious zealots who have invested so much time and devotion to the Cleveland Browns have become apostates after what have been seasons of disappointment and failure.  Indeed, as of this writing I suspect that it is unlikely that the Browns will reach the Super Bowl this coming February 9 th , but one can always hope for divine intervention. But I am not writing to opine on the Browns’ performance.   For decades, I have been jarred by the violence of the game and the devastating injuries that routinely occur.   Indeed, one can expect players to be walked off or carted off the field in just about every game.   I treated a Cleveland Brown in his later years who had played for the team for 13 seasons in the 1950’s and 60’s.   I think every part of this body either hurt, didn’t work well or both.   He was a...

Customer Service Is Worse Than Ever

Readers of this blog are well aware of my frustrations and criticisms and even a soupcon of anger regarding the disappearance of customer service in our society.  This unfortunate reality is undeniable and is only going to worsen.  Corporations and businesses – with few exceptions – abuse their customers because they can, knowing that we have no recourse available.  Do you think the battle of Man vs Airline Industry, for example, which I fantasize over, will achieve a just outcome?  Two recent developments are relevant to this rant.   First, businesses are poised to start charging a fee to customers who are returning unwanted items.    And secondly, Amazon Prime will soon be showing commercials during their broadcasts.    Of course, for a surcharge, customers can still enjoy Amazon streaming without ads.   Let me distill this down using plain language.   We are going to further squeeze our already squeezed customers because we c...

Justifying Murder of United Healthcare CEO

Recently, the CEO of UnitedHealthcare was gunned down in a brazen and calculated act by a murderer. The alleged killer had a life of privilege with top drawer education.  He was the valedictorian of his high school class.  We still do not know the reasons underlying his radicalization against the health care establishment. It has been astonishing to hear and read many voices expressing sympathy and understanding for this heinous act.   The enemy of my enemy is my friend.     Really?   It is galling that some out there believe that acting against a health insurance executive should be considered a mitigating factor in a murder.   Indeed, a U.S. senator commenting on the murder decried violence but then added that ‘people can be pushed only so far’.     Public outrage to this forced her to do some clean up a day later, but her initial instincts and analysis remain in plain sight. The senator needed to 'clarify' her initial remarks. If a m...

Thanksgiving 2024!

We can all be thankful that the election is over although half the nation is less than thankful for the results.  Hopefully, raw feelings were set aside this year's Thanksgiving a holiday that has often been the setting of spontaneous political combustion.  My own electoral success rate in this year’s election would translate to a grade of ‘F’.  Nearly all of my selections lost.     But in a democratic republic, we must respect the process and the results regardless of the outcome.   Indeed, I am doing so now. He's thankful he was spared! We have heard the perennial whining about the Electoral College urging its abandonment in favor of relying instead upon the popular vote.   Not surprisingly, these proponents are usually, but now always, those whose candidates have lost elections and they are seeking a new pathway to success.   Casting the Electoral College aside would require a constitutional amendment, a very heavy lift. I would assume th...

Independence Day 2024 - Now More Than Ever

A few days hence, Independence Day will be upon us.  This commemorates the date that the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence.  Two days prior, the Congress voted unanimously to separate from Great Britain, but the document had not yet been printed.  One would hope and expect that this occasion would summon our better angels as we draw together to celebrate the miracle of the American experiment, particularly as authoritarianism abroad has gained strength.   Sadly, division and disunity have established a firm foothold in our national psyche.   Even the very symbol or the United States – the Star-Spangled Banner – has become a separating force.   Recently, an American flag was flying upside down at the home of a Supreme Court justice.    Legal?   Yes.    Unifying and proper?   No. A looming presidential election – heretofore a unifying exhibition of patriotism – has infected us with partisanship and ...

When Should Doctors Retire?

I am asked with some regularity whether I am aiming to retire in the near term.  Years ago, I never received such inquiries.  Why now?   Might it be because my coiffure and goatee – although finely-manicured – has long entered the gray area?  Could it be because many other even younger physicians have given up their stethoscopes for lives of leisure? (Hopefully, my inquiring patients are not suspecting me of professional performance lapses!) Interestingly, a nurse in my office recently approached me and asked me sotto voce that she heard I was retiring.    “Interesting,” I remarked.   Since I was unaware of this retirement news, I asked her when would be my last day at work.   I have no idea where this erroneous rumor originated from.   I requested that my nurse-friend contact her flawed intel source and set him or her straight.   Retirement might seem tempting to me as I have so many other interests.   Indeed, reading and ...

Memorial Day 2024 - A Time to Reflect...

Tomorrow is the last Monday in May, Memorial Day, now a federal holiday whose origins began in the postbellum era.  My father was among the Greatest Generation having served for 39 months during WWII.  Fortunately, he remained stateside. Presently, no one in our family is wearing the uniform.  We are not mourning a fallen soldier.  But many families are.  For many of them, every day is Memorial Day. I’ve been writing this blog for 15 years.   Several posts have criticized our government, politicians, various industries and even my own profession.   What might my fate be if I were blogging from some other nations? American Military Cemetery in Normandy Freedom is not free.   Authoritarianism seems to be on the rise, even here at home. To all those who are honoring the memory of a loved one who served, we can never thank you enough. May their memory be a blessing  

Do I Have a Food Allergy?

You might think that gastroenterologists like me are conversant with food allergies.   You would be wrong.   Here is a second misunderstanding you likely harbor.   Most individuals who believe or suspect that they are suffering from a food allergy have no allergic condition at all.   A true allergic reaction involves the firing off of one’s immune system in response to an external stimulant resulting in a rash, wheezing and other characteristic allergic responses.   Poison ivy, for example, is an allergic reaction.   Nausea resulting from an antibiotic is not an allergic reaction.   Physicians, of course, appreciate this distinction.   This is why when you tell us you are ‘allergic’ to a medication, we will ask you specifically what the reaction was.   In my experience, most of these ‘allergic reactions’ are routine non-allergic side effects.   Often enough, a patient will claim to have a penicillin allergy, for example, but ha...

Surge pricing for Colonoscopies?

Euphemisms are omnipresent.  Recently, I learned a human resources term called rightsizing.  This sanitized version sounds a little softer than employee layoffs, but they mean the same thing.  In the near term, New York City will implement congestion pricing when new Yorkers who drive through Manhattan’s central business district will be forking over 15 bucks for this privilege, $36 if you’re a large truck.  These fee amounts will vary depending upon the time of day traveled.  I suppose the marketing folks felt that the term congestion pricing was more palatable than driver shakedown .  Just a year ago, I railed against another form of customer extortion known euphemistically as a resort fee, when guests' money is essentially confiscated each day that they could have used to purchase goods or services they didn’t need or want.  Here’s the resort fee link but make sure you’ve taken your blood pressure medicine before clicking. Recently, Wendy’s, the...

Will Private Equity Buy Your Hospital?

Advertisers are masters at knowing how certain words and phrases will affect us.  Consider some of the seemingly innocent words and phrases below and how they have an emotional impact. IRS Big Tech Police officers Corporate profits Millennials Congress The Nursing Profession. Over time we have been conditioned to experience emotional responses to various phrases and labels.   For instance, there is nothing intrinsically evil in businesses earning money since this is an expected and desirable outcome.   Yet, ask us to react to the term corporate profits and I suspect that most of our reactions would trend negatively.   It’s unlikely that a political candidate would proclaim in an ad or a speech that he or she wants to be a Champion of Corporate Profits! Private Equity certainly merits inclusion in the above list.   Most folks have an unfavorable opinion of PE even if they don’t fully understand this business model.   And some of the action...

Trying to be Thankful in 2023

 I feel it is more challenging than ever to carve away the chaos and destruction so that we can focus on what we should be thankful for.   Yes, there is beauty in the world which we must seek out and cherish.   Yes, there is kindness and generosity in our midst which we must champion and promulgate. Yes, there is dialogue and open mindedness which we must resurrect and cultivate. Skimming national and international current events on any day reinforces the reality that the space to find gratitude is smaller that it used to be.  But it is there. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful and committed citizens can change the world;  indeed it's the only thing that ever has.    Margaret Mead On this recent Thanksgiving, I hope that all of you had blessings to celebrate.  Perhaps the task will be easier for all of us next year.

When Your Doctor is Running Late

One pleasure that I engage in regularly is taking time simply to think and to collect my thoughts. I don’t have a dedicated time for this pursuit; I can seize the moment at any time.   Often, I am on a walk or maybe simply driving somewhere.   I use these times to rove through recent happenings in my life and in the lives of those I care about.   Or, I might reflect – some might say ruminate – over a news item or opinion piece that I have read.   There is no agenda.   My mind simply roams and wanders stopping periodically at various unplanned destinations.   Think of this experience as akin to entering a large bookstore (younger readers may need to google here) without a specific title in mind.   You simply start ambling through the aisles sampling various books until you find one or two that meet your fancy.   The journey, as I see it, is a central part of the adventure.   Contrast this with purchasing a specific book on Amazon.   I...

Loss of Trust in America

Trust is the central element in our national motto.  Do you recall this 4-word phrase?  If you need a reminder of this iconic verbiage, just grab a coin or some paper money and you’ll find it there.  Perhaps, you can’t recall the motto.  Since we don’t study our money when making a transaction, our trustful motto may remain buried in the background – invisible while in plain sight.  I’ll bet that some curious readers are scanning a dollar bill right now!    As our trustful motto seems out of view, so has trust across society become much less visible.  When we do stumble across it, it can feel as if we have struck gold.  Years ago, for example, I wrote a post about a proprietor who showed me such a high level of trust that I memorialized the incident in this blog and will never forget the vignette.  The trust vacuum seems most evident in our political space.  The citizenry does not trust elective officials, particularly those of...

Labor Day 2023

The nation celebrates Labor Day on the morrow.  This holiday was created in the later part of the nineteenth century in response to immoral and abusive conditions for workers.  In that era, 12 hours shifts, 7 day workweeks and child labor were all routine.  Organized labor expanded over the ensuing decades leading to legislative and societal guardrails protecting workers from abuse and exploitation. Despite continued reforms of the workplace and fairer treatment of workers, tensions remain between management and labor.  At this very moment, the United Auto Workers has overwhelming authorized a strike in the event that union leaders decide that this is necessary. A typical Labor Day scene While this holiday has deep roots in organized labor, keep in mind that most American workers are non-union, and their work should be honored as well. Regrettably, but understandably, the true meaning of Labor Day and many other federal holidays is not top of mind for most Americans....

Why Most Doctors Choose Employment

Increasingly, physicians today are employed and most of them willingly so.  The advantages of this employment model, which I will highlight below, appeal to the current and emerging generations of physicians and medical professionals.  In addition, the alternatives to direct employment are scarce, although they do exist.  Private practice gastroenterology practices in Cleveland, for example, are increasingly rare sightings.  Another practice model is gaining ground rapidly on the medical landscape.   Private equity (PE) firms have   been purchasing medical practices who are in need of capital and management oversight.   PE can provide services efficiently as they may be serving multiple practices and have economies of scale.   While these physicians technically have authority over all medical decisions, the PE partners can exert behavioral influences on physicians which can be ethically problematic. For example, if the PE folks reduce non-medica...

Independence Day 2023

We celebrate Independence Day this year at a time when the country is fracturing deeply along political, ideological, moral and religious lines.   The nation hasn’t been this divided since the turbulent 1960’s when we were rising in anger over the lies of Vietnam, the boiling over of the civil rights movement, the heated struggle for racial equality, the assassination of political and moral leaders and the women’s liberation movement.   But we managed to get through all of this even though many elements of these struggles are ongoing.   Important progress has been made and must be acknowledged.   Hate and anger today are omnipresent.   Yesterday’s heroes -police officers, judges, the FBI, public health leaders, news anchors, college professors – are now demonized.   How did we allow this to happen?   Are we supporting these darker forces or pushing back?   Is there a way out? I believe there is but enough of us will have to decide that co...

Should I Tip My Doctor?

For most of my life, there has been a tipping disorder in this country.  Too many of us were undertipping those who served us and depended upon tips for their livelihoods.   At times, servers in restaurants would be stiffed receiving a paltry tip when they deserved more.  In general terms, increasing a tip from 15 to 20% means much more to the server than it does to the patron. Other occupations such has hotel workers, airport porters, cab drivers, tour guides, bartenders, valets and food deliverers – to name a few – depend upon the generosity of their customers.   Traditionally, a tip was a reward for good service.   Indeed, this provided an incentive for workers to perform well.   Better service led to better tips. We now have an entirely new strain of tip dysfunction in this country.   Tipping is no longer tied to service and has become an expected surcharge from classes of workers who heretofore would never have been eligible for a tip. ...

Should Addiction Treatment be Compulsory?

I have not personally suffered an addiction and I have no expertise in addiction medicine.   But I have treated large numbers of individuals with gastrointestinal issues who also are in the midst of an addiction or are recovering from this illness.   I have tremendous admiration for a person who has – with the help of professionals – unshackled himself from the suffocating tentacles of addiction.   As I have not faced this challenge,   I cannot begin to contemplate the journey. This nation has not settled on a coherent strategy to battle this plague.   Is it a medical issue?   Is it a law enforcement issue?   Which treatments are evidence based?     Should insurance coverage for treatment be required as are other benefits such as preventive care?   Can treatment be compelled on an unwilling addict?   I read a poignant opinion piece recently in The New York Times by David Sheff whose son ultimately prevailed against his addiction...