I never took a psychology course in my life. Perhaps, I should have. How was I to know, or even suspect, that years beyond college, I would be the father of 5 kids? In retrospect, I should have been a psych major, so that I could have developed essential parenting skills in negotiating techniques, behavior modification, unflappable self control, brinkmanship, verbal dueling and mind reading. Without a solid psychological foundation, I have been fenced in and cornered by teenagers who know very well that I am shooting blanks. This has not been a fair fight. Two weeks ago, my daughter and I traveled to the east coast to visit 3 institutions of higher learning. This is the 3rd child that I have done college visits with. By now, I could give these ‘info sessions’ myself. They are verbal versions of Mad Libs, where the speaker simply plugs in terms specific to his institution. For example: “What really makes __________ University so unique, is our ( insert superlative adjective ) profes
MD Whistleblower presents vignettes and commentaries on the medical profession. We peek 'behind the medical curtain' and deliver candor and controversy in every post.