Remember the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test)? This is the examination that determines if pre-med students will become actual physicians. This is an extensive examination covering an expansive amount of information that is not clearly related to the practice of medicine. It reminds me of the government and insurance industry’s emerging quality initiatives. Like the MCATs, these programs measure what is easy to count; but what really counts, can’t be easily measured. If I were asked to submit MCAT questions, as a practicing physician, I would bring a real world flavor to the examination. Whistleblower MCAT 2.0 Sample Questions! Test Your Knowledge! Amaze Your Friends! Let the Games Begin! Medical Knowledge Section You are in the hospital recovering from ankle surgery after a fracture. After pain medication is prescribed, you develop some constipation and abdominal discomfort. The orthopedist’s physician assistant orders a CAT scan of the abdomen to evaluate the new
MD Whistleblower presents vignettes and commentaries on the medical profession. We peek 'behind the medical curtain' and deliver candor and controversy in every post.