This is the only Thanksgiving holiday in my memory that I was not on call for hospital work. Physicians, like many other folks, are not automatically off on holidays and weekends. I’m not complaining here, but there are times that I am envious of individuals who are home on every weekend and holiday. Americans need health care, law enforcement, and various emergency services even on days of national leisure. When I am driving to the hospital on one of those days, I remind myself that the sick person I am headed to see has a much worse deal than I have. I have been bestowed with many blessings, and I am grateful for all of them. Some of them, I may have earned, while others just fell my way. Similarly, life’s travails can result from a bad decision or just bad luck. Life isn’t fair. Spread Sunlight I admire folks who always spy a rainbow through a storm, and I want to be like them. Appreciating one’s lot in life, especially a midst dark days, brings much light in
MD Whistleblower presents vignettes and commentaries on the medical profession. We peek 'behind the medical curtain' and deliver candor and controversy in every post.