Truth is more absurd than fiction. Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s wacky ban on certain sizes of sugary beverages, a scheme which was riddled with inconsistencies and exceptions, was properly squashed by a New York judge. The mayor’s next play was to order all establishments that sell cigarettes to hide them from patrons. I hope that this policy is examined in the same courtroom that ruled that the leaky soda ban was illegal. Is this guy a mayor or an emperor? Who can legitimately defend the government dictating to private businesses how they can display legal products to its customers? Where would candy, potato chips and other poisonous snack foods be sequestered? Speaking of sequestration, which the president warned would crush the country, the earth still rotates, the sun rises in the morning and congress has a 15% approval rating. In other words, not much has changed. We learned that there was not enough cash to fund White House tours for school kids. Yet, we learned t
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