The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed into law earlier this week by President Obama. The ceremony was notable for the president’s use of 20 pens to sign the bill, and for a vice-presidential expletive that has gone viral. Biden’s presumed private verbal ‘high five’ to the president was heard and widely circulated. Don’t these guys know that when they’re in public that they are never off mic? Our macho vice-president was emulating his vice-presidential predecessor who dropped a similar verbal bomb onto Senator Patrick Leahy in 2004. Cheney’s muscular rhetoric was no aerial drone attack; he delivered his message face to face to the Vermont senator. I wonder if Dick ever invited Pat on a hunting trip? Obamacare is now law. Will this lead us to Armageddon or to the Garden of Eden? I confess that I haven’t read the bill, but then neither did the legislators who voted for or against it. Sure, the specifics are important, but what we really crave to know is what the scor
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