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Customer Service Is Worse Than Ever

Readers of this blog are well aware of my frustrations and criticisms and even a soupcon of anger regarding the disappearance of customer service in our society.  This unfortunate reality is undeniable and is only going to worsen.  Corporations and businesses – with few exceptions – abuse their customers because they can, knowing that we have no recourse available.  Do you think the battle of Man vs Airline Industry, for example, which I fantasize over, will achieve a just outcome?  Two recent developments are relevant to this rant.   First, businesses are poised to start charging a fee to customers who are returning unwanted items.    And secondly, Amazon Prime will soon be showing commercials during their broadcasts.    Of course, for a surcharge, customers can still enjoy Amazon streaming without ads.   Let me distill this down using plain language.   We are going to further squeeze our already squeezed customers because we c...

Should Robert F. Kennedy Jr. be HHS Secretary?

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is Trump’s choice to lead the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).   He will need to have his nomination confirmed by the Senate which I believe will occur.    He certainly fits in with Trump’s rather unconventional choices for various other cabinet leaders and government officials. To refer to RJK Jr. as controversial or eccentric are understatements.   We have all read about the worm in his brain, the dead bear that he deposited in Central Park in NYC and the whale head he attached to the top of his car on their way home, as related by his daughter. Is this a desired profile for HHS secretary who will be overseeing the NIH, CDC, FDA and Medicare and Medicaid?   If confirmed, he would yield enormous power to craft new health care policy in this country, particularly under a president who champions disruption. Kennedy is a known vaccine skeptic, has promoted unproven Covid-19 treatments, supports the consumption of raw milk, ...

Medical Myths and Misconceptions

Why do so many unproven recommendations get incorporated into medical dogma?  Put a jacket on so you don’t catch cold! Stress causes stomach ulcers. Caffeine causes _______.   (Fill in the blank since it’s blamed for everything!) Sugar makes kids hyper. Colonic cleansing rids the body of evil toxins. We accept many recommendations as true in the absence of data or in some cases even if data refutes the claim.   Some folks still believe that the measles vaccine causes autism which is been roundly debunked.  And dislodging these myths takes effort and time.   When I was a younger doctor, antibiotics were routinely prescribed for sore throats and presumed bacterial ear infections.. When these patients recovered, the antibiotics were credited with the salutary outcome.   Doctors were simply following the teachings and customs of that era.   Nowadays, physicians approach these patients much more conservatively, but this did take a while. Foll...

Whistleblower Holiday Cheer 2024!

  ‘Twas the night before Christmas Through the Senate and House, GOP creatures were squeaking Like Mike Johnson – the mouse!   We survived an election, With vodka and gin No litigation needed When Trump gets a win!   The polls once again, Missed the mark by a mile GOP won it bigly In Trumpissistic style!   How did he do it? Such sleight of hand, Bringing millions of folks Under his command.   This sorcerer king, Thinks politics is sport Promised us everything But will come up short.   He’s daring and reckless He’ll take a chance Reached into MAGA Pulled out JD Vance! Deport the illegals! Not few but many Let’s start with the worst, That traitor Liz Cheney!   Half the country is angry And sullen and sad. At the end of his term Will he drive us all mad?   How could he win? How could she lose? Trump had the mojo And lit the fuse.   She won the debate, And showed us the joy But in the end She was Trump’s little toy.   When folks are all stru...

Justifying Murder of United Healthcare CEO

Recently, the CEO of UnitedHealthcare was gunned down in a brazen and calculated act by a murderer. The alleged killer had a life of privilege with top drawer education.  He was the valedictorian of his high school class.  We still do not know the reasons underlying his radicalization against the health care establishment. It has been astonishing to hear and read many voices expressing sympathy and understanding for this heinous act.   The enemy of my enemy is my friend.     Really?   It is galling that some out there believe that acting against a health insurance executive should be considered a mitigating factor in a murder.   Indeed, a U.S. senator commenting on the murder decried violence but then added that ‘people can be pushed only so far’.     Public outrage to this forced her to do some clean up a day later, but her initial instincts and analysis remain in plain sight. The senator needed to 'clarify' her initial remarks. If a m...

Should Doctors Unionize?

Some time ago, I penned a post advocating union membership for nurses.  Increasingly, I expect physicians to seek professional relief by joining unions in the years to come. This is not about the money. There have been pockets of unionized physicians in the United States but efforts to organize physicians writ large have not yet gained widespread traction.   One group of doctors who are overripe to unionize is medical interns and residents.   These professionals work endless hours with sleep deprivation and have insufficient days off to recuperate or recreate.   Of course, they are underpaid for the hours they work but this ranks low on their list of grievances.   Yes, there are reforms put in place, but I have it on good authority that existing loopholes and training program policies have rendered today’s residencies very similar to mine over 3 decades ago.    If you track the evolution of the medical profession over the past 20 years or so, unio...

Thanksgiving 2024!

We can all be thankful that the election is over although half the nation is less than thankful for the results.  Hopefully, raw feelings were set aside this year's Thanksgiving a holiday that has often been the setting of spontaneous political combustion.  My own electoral success rate in this year’s election would translate to a grade of ‘F’.  Nearly all of my selections lost.     But in a democratic republic, we must respect the process and the results regardless of the outcome.   Indeed, I am doing so now. He's thankful he was spared! We have heard the perennial whining about the Electoral College urging its abandonment in favor of relying instead upon the popular vote.   Not surprisingly, these proponents are usually, but now always, those whose candidates have lost elections and they are seeking a new pathway to success.   Casting the Electoral College aside would require a constitutional amendment, a very heavy lift. I would assume th...