I love words. When I write, I never resort to a thesaurus. I enjoy the struggle of trying to find the right word. There’s not a day that passes that I am not in the dictionary looking up a new word, or more likely, looking up the definition of a word for the 3 rd or 4 th time whose meaning I cannot recall. I find that until I use the word, the definition is dangling out of reach. There are many words that I think I use correctly, yet when I verify the actual definition, I find that I have been using the word more creatively than, perhaps, I should. Indeed, recently I engaged in some verbal sparring over the word responsive. I had thought that this word could be used to describe a response to an inquiry that was on point, not evasive and forthrightly addressed the matter at hand, yet I did not find this meaning included in the definition of standard dictionaries. Here’s how I have used the word. “Have you read the latest Whistleblower masterpiece? Doesn’t that g
MD Whistleblower presents vignettes and commentaries on the medical profession. We peek 'behind the medical curtain' and deliver candor and controversy in every post.