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COVID Divides a Divided Country

For millions of Americans, the pandemic has been disastrous.  We have lost an uncountable number of Americans. We cannot even grasp the magnitude of the loss.  Have you ever stood at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on the mall in Washington, DC and scanned through the uncountable number of names etched into the Wall?   We have lost well over ten times this number of Americans in the pandemic.  And it’s not over yet.  Beyond those who have died, we have to contemplate family members and friends who have been left behind.  And those who have become seriously ill or even hospitalized or even spent time in an ICU have been changed forever.   And many who escaped the virus were scared that they might become the next victim, particularly before the release of the vaccines.  And now Omicron has swept onto our shores reminding us that the pandemic still lives.  Will we go through the entire Greek alphabet? Similarly, we cannot even calculate the economic devastation and disruption that the pan

Whistleblower Holiday Cheer 2021!

       ‘ Twas the night before Christmas And all through the House, Progressives were screaming, ‘Are you a man or a mouse?’   They wanted it all. No matter the cost. They wanted it now. So much would be lost.   The voted for Biden, Who now is their tool, And dream of ‘reforming’ The filibuster rule.   Pelosi’s been smacked, And Schumer’s been bruised. Does Biden realize That he’s being used?   And while Biden is napping In the White House mansion, The man of the moment, Is Senator Joe Manchin.   And while mainstream Dems Fight with the ‘Squad’, The real threat they face? A circular firing squad! GOP are no better. They have no spines. Trump is their leader. He is divine!   Liz Cheney is out For telling the truth. While others are praised For being uncouth.   How do Republicans The few decent legislators, Run in a primary When they’ll be called ‘Traitors!’?   Kevin McCarthy Unhinged and unraveled,

Is the Physical Examination Still Useful?

Medical students, please read no further. I am going to challenge one of the bedrock beliefs in medical training – the value of the physical examination.   Indeed, I was taught of the primacy of the physical exam as a young pup during my 4 years of medical education in New York City.   I believed it and did my best to acquire these skills from master diagnosticians.   Indeed, this was one of the thrills of being a medical student – learning what those clicks and clacks meant when we listened to hearts with our stethoscopes, seeing changes of diabetes and other diseases when we peered into your eyes with an ophthalmoscope or palpating a pulsating aneurysm that was lurking in your abdomen. An Ophthalmoscope and Otoscope The Eyes and Ears of Medicine I was in awe of these seasoned physicians who could make a diagnosis just by watching a patient walk across the room. While I still think the physical examination is useful, I have found over the years that it is less valuab

Should There Be A COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate?

It is easy to opine on issues that don’t personally affect us.  We’ve all seen folks on television or in our own lives who righteously stake out positions when they are far beyond the reach of their effects.  Conversely, we’ve seen the irony and the hypocrisy of individuals who ‘evolve’ almost instantly when a controversial issue becomes relevant to their personal circumstances.  Senator Rob Portman of my state of Ohio, for example, was against same sex marriage until he wasn’t.  Readers are encouraged to look up what led to a reversal in Senator Portman’s view. Charles Darwin didn't realize that politicians can evolve. The pandemic has also exposed much public (and private) pontification from individuals, businesses, organizations, government agencies – all of whom may have agendas that extend beyond any actual public health concerns.   One issue that has created raw fissures among us is the concept of mandating vaccines.   There are spirited arguments on various sides of this i

Thanksgiving 2022

  This has been a tough year for America and the world.  For many folks and families, it may be challenging to find reasons to feel thankful.  But we must try.  When you’re in a dark room, you might not see a way to let the light in.  Try to find a window that you can crack open.  Or, one of us will do our best to open it from the outside. Wishing blessings, contentment and peace to all. Hoping for a lot more light in the year to come.

Calling Your Doctor's Office - Frustration #1

There are joys and satisfactions in the practice of medicine.   Indeed, they have sustained me for the past few decades.   I enjoy the work and I continue to be honored that my long-term patients as well as new ones place their trust in me.   Despite my best efforts to deliver perfect advice to every patient every time, I confess that I am a member of the imperfect human species.   I have reminded patients that while I try to offer sound medical advice, I am neither omniscient nor clairvoyant.    If I knew, for example, that the medicine I am prescribing wouldn’t work, or would cause you an unpleasant side effect, then I would not have prescribed it. If you become a ill a week after you have been discharged from the hospital, it does not mean that you were thrown out prematurely.     Excellent medical judgement doesn’t guarantee an excellent outcome.   Conversely, a favorable medical result may occur after mediocre medical care.   There are also frustrations in the everyday medical

Why I Oppose Medical Marijuana

I don't really oppose medical marijuana, only the process that has brought it to market. In general, I hew to the philosophy of  ‘leaving it to the professionals’.   Yes, I support all of us engaging in some measure of due diligence, but I try to select advisors and professionals whom I trust. If they have knowledge and experience that I lack, shouldn't their views carry more weight than mine? In my own life, and probably yours, there are many areas in which I simply am not capable of any due diligence. If a car mechanic, for example, recommends that an expensive part needs to be replaced, I can only hope that this is truly necessary.   If the folks we deal with are honest and experienced, then things will tend to fall into place as they should.   Obviously, for this to work out well, several assumptions need to be true. Many people today soundly reject the ‘leave it to the professionals’ philosophy.   For most of my life, the curricula in our public schools was dictated by