There are joys and satisfactions in the practice of
medicine. Indeed, they have sustained me
for the past few decades. I enjoy the
work and I continue to be honored that my long-term patients as well as new ones place their trust in me. Despite my best efforts to deliver perfect advice to every patient every time, I confess that I am a member of the
imperfect human species. I have reminded
patients that while I try to offer sound medical advice, I am neither
omniscient nor clairvoyant. If I knew,
for example, that the medicine I am prescribing wouldn’t work, or would cause
you an unpleasant side effect, then I would not have prescribed it. If you
become a ill a week after you have been discharged from the hospital, it does
not mean that you were thrown out prematurely.
Excellent medical judgement
doesn’t guarantee an excellent outcome.
Conversely, a favorable medical result may occur after mediocre medical
There are also frustrations in the everyday medical world.
Assuming that you can even decode your medical bills, try rectifying an
error with your insurance company. If
you didn’t have high blood pressure when you called them to inquire, you will
surely have it before the end of the conversation, that is if you actually reach a living and breathing human. When
your doctor’s prescription is denied by your insurance company, does this restore your faith
that the insurance company cares deeply about your health? Have
you had the experience of trying to make an appointment to see your doctor to
be told he or she is booked out for months?
Alexander Graham Bell Trying to Reach His Doctor
In each of the 3 jobs I have had as a gastroenterologist, the
telephone Theater of the Absurd was there. Of course, this vexes patients who can
get through several chapters of War and Peace as they are left hanging on the
line. The lucky ones will ultimately
reach a helpful human. The rest may end up being cut off or simply left dangling on hold for a few months or
so. I suspect that many patients, who hit
the jackpot and reach a live human after an interminable wait, have forgotten
the reason for the call – yet another frustration!
Trust me, dear patients, that this issue is just as frustrating
for us. Our phones ring constantly which
forces our staff to put most of you on hold as they juggle this onslaught. And, try managing this while they are
supposed to be checking in patients, arranging diagnostic tests and responding
to impatient physicians who are waving their arms at them. Sound like fun?
The reality, at least for smaller practices, is they cannot
afford to hire a team of dedicated phone answerers. And, even if they could, would these folks
have enough training to handle the calls, or would they simply route the call
to another staff member?
So, now you understand better the need for the obnoxious phone
menu that greets you.
‘Please listen carefully as our options have changed.’ This is a lie. The options haven’t changed and I doubt they
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