There are two ways to sedate patients for colonoscopy. There is conscious sedation is when the gastroenterologist administers a ‘twilight sedation’, or moderate sedation when sedation is administered by an anesthesia professional, usually with propofol, a drug now known to most of us as a contributor to the death of pop superstar Michael Jackson. Most Patients Prefer Propofol over the Twilight Zone Leaving issues of cost aside, most individuals involved in the colonoscopy experience prefers the propofol option. Here’s why. The drug is extremely safe when administered by trained personnel, who in most cases are Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs). Unlike with twilight anesthesia, the procedure is entirely painless. Patients can expect to experience the same level of discomfort as they do with a haircut. Knowing that they face complete comfort during the procedure, patients are relieved of anxiety that often precedes the proce...
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