A few weeks back, I posted a piece entitled, Are Emergency Rooms Admitting Too Many Patients? The essay was cross posted on KevinMD’s site a week or so after it appeared on my blog. I received buckshot style criticism from various corners of cyberspace on my post. What provoked particular ire, was my implication that Emergency Department physicians faced financial conflicts of interest with regard to admitting patients into the hospital. I’m open to criticism and debate in the blogosphere and in my own life. My father was an attorney and my brother is a sitting judge. I’ve raised my kids to question, argue and to seek out the other sides of issues despite that they may already feel that they grasp them sufficiently. Now, that they are adults, I am often the target of these skills that I worked so hard to cultivate in them. Numerous physicians were offended by my reimbursement implication. In reading their responses, it was clear to me that I was not sufficiently inf
MD Whistleblower presents vignettes and commentaries on the medical profession. We peek 'behind the medical curtain' and deliver candor and controversy in every post.