You're fired! We've all heard this directive that was popularized by our current chief executive. It is much more common for a patient to fire a physician than it is for a doctor to cut a patient loose. Yet, I sent 2 of my patients termination letters in the month prior to my penning this post, which represents a firing surge on my part. This has been a very rare event in my practice. Since physicians are patient advocates by training and practice, we tend to extend leniencies to our patients, giving out 2 nd and 3 rd chances routinely. But, the doctor-patient relationship is not unbreakable and both sides have responsibilities to maintain it. The Doctor-Patient Relationship Should be a Partnership - not a Duel. Here are some reasons that patients have offered justifying seeking a new physician. Keep in mind that these given reasons represent patients’ perceptions, which may not necessarily represent absolute truth. Poor or absent communication
MD Whistleblower presents vignettes and commentaries on the medical profession. We peek 'behind the medical curtain' and deliver candor and controversy in every post.