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Disadvantages of Electronic Medical Records - My EMR Ghosted Me

A few days before writing this, I had an ‘epic’ experience upon my arrival to work.   I had 17 procedures scheduled that day and the first few of these lucky folks were arriving.  After changing into scrubs, I sat before my computer and was prepared to swipe into the electronic medical record (EMR) system with my ID card.  On prior occasions, when I have successfully performed this swiping exercise during office visits, I have joked with the patient, ‘looks like they haven’t revoked my credentials!’

But not today.  After 3 swipes I had struck out.  No entry.  And my password wasn’t accepted.  Twelve hours ago, my credentials were solid and I was a physician in good standing.   Now it seemed I had become a physician non grata. 

My morning welcome from my EMR system!

What happened?  Was I being terminated without notice?  Were foreign hackers at work?  Was I to expect a ransom ware demand shortly?

We use the electronic medical record system called Epic.  Our first call to the Help Desk ascertained that I was no longer in the Epic system.  I had been wiped out, erased & neutralized.  What to tell arriving patients who had taken a day off, brought a driver and cleaned out their colons?

The Help Desk informed us that she was not willing to restore my access until she could verify that I was not removed for a valid reason.  Makes sense.  She doesn’t know me and perhaps I was properly cut loose.  But this was not the case.

Fortunately for me, a few high-powered staff leaders assumed this mission with the zeal and determination of Navy SEALs.  Ninety minutes later, I was rehabilitated and access into Epic was restored.  Our fear of a 17-person rebellion abated. 

What had happened was that an individual who did not know me who worked across town had signed off on removing my credentials from Epic believe this was a routine housekeeping function not realizing that she would be cancelling a live physician.

In a sense, I feel that being involuntarily ensnared in a web of technology leaves us all vulnerable.  We all know the risks of hackers and other nefarious actors.  But, as in my case, a seemingly innocent action pushed me off the grid.  We are all one keystroke away from being cancelled. 



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