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COVID-19 and Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine: First, Do No Harm

In a recent post, I presented why I believe that the fragmentary and anecdotal medical evidence supporting the use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 does not justify its use. Certainly, if I become infected with the coronavirus, I would be reluctant to accept a recommendation to take either of these 2 medications, based on what is currently known.

Ordinary people, especially when they or loved ones are afflicted with a disease, will readily accept unproven remedies, especially when conventional medicine has no effective treatment.  We all understand this.  But the lack of a treatment, in my view, does not justify abandoning our usual standards that physicians rely upon when we make treatment recommendations.  
Shouldn't Physicians Weigh the Risks and Benefits?

Here are some reasons why I object to coronavirus patients taking chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19.   The principles outlined below certainly extend beyond the coronavirus issue.
  • The medical profession should not be prescribing treatments that have no reasonable evidence of efficacy.  Patients should have confidence that our therapeutic recommendations are based on sound science, professional experience and sound judgment.
  • Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine efficacy against COVID-19, like any treatment, should be tested in well-designed clinical trials.
  • Clinical trials may have difficulty recruiting a sufficient number of patients if coronavirus patients are opting instead to take the medicines being tested on their own outside of a trial.  A clinical trial’s conclusions are more reliable when it contains more patients.
  • It may be true that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine worsen the condition of COVID-19 patients.  Medicines do not always behave predictably.   Should we be condoning the use of medicines when we have no proof of either benefit or harm?   The safety record of the 2 medicines being discussed here with regard to their established medical indications may not be true for coronavirus patients, particularly when higher dosing is being advised. This is why scientific study of medicines is absolutely necessary. 
  • Prescribing medicines irresponsibly consumes resources that should have been devoted to more worthy endeavors. 
Consider who is publicly promoting chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine use for COVID-19.  Are they our public health experts or politicians and administrative officials?   Whom would you trust more for medical advice? 


  1. I read your post. Every word of it. And to be clear, I am not a Dr and do not work in the medical field. I have only my personal experience to go on. Frankly, I see no reason to trust either the Dr or the politician. Neither have my best interests at heart; both are interested in me only for what I can contribute to their bottom line - I have a great deal of experience proving that to my satisfaction. Remember the best Dr. of the day, bleed Washington to death - it was the proven protocol of the day.


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