How often do we read or hear, “I have a right to …” Everyone wants to have his rights
respected. Gun owners, prisoners, civil
libertarians, union members, non-smokers, protesters and ordinary citizens all
want our rights to be validated and respected.
What happens when the exercise of my rights encroaches on yours? It is these questions that occupy much of our
judges’ time and attention. These are
not easy calls to make. The fact that so
many of our Supreme Court decisions are decided by a 5-4 vote indicates that
these issues are controversial, complex and vexing.
While we all pride ourselves here in America on our
individual rights, these may be at the expense of our community’s rights. I don’t envy societies such as China or
Russia where the state’s rights are paramount.
But, there is no consensus, even here, as to where to draw the line
between protecting an individual and society at large. Consider how vigorous the debate has been on
the tension between protecting individual civil liberties and national
'My Rights Outweigh Your Rights'
If it were true that reading our e-mails without a warrant
would prevent a full stadium from being blown up, would we support this? What if our kids were in this stadium then?
The conflict between an individual’s and the community’s
rights is active in the medical arena.
Consider a few examples where one patient’s benefit is at
other patients’ expense.
- Physicians give out free samples of medication to patients, who cherish this giveaway. The cost of this largesse must be borne by the rest of us who must pay higher drug costs. Nothing is really free, is it?.
- A man has a right to ride a motorcycle experiencing the thrill of the open road with the wind blowing through his helmetless hair. If a tragedy occurs, who picks up the bill?
- A physician prescribes a biologic treatment for Crohn’s disease. It costs $2,500 each month and is to be administered forever. If the drug delivers as promised, which is usually not the case, one individual will benefit. Should the physician consider how many folks could have been helped if these funds were devoted to influenza vaccines, mammograms or smoking cessation?
- Salvage chemotherapy is given to a patient who is unlikely to benefit. The aggregate costs of these kinds of treatments could pay for family health centers in underserved neighborhoods.
When you’re in your doctor’s office, do you want him to be
thinking about you or everyone else?
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