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Obamacare Nearly Repealed & Replaced! 2+2 =7!

Everyone likes R & R.  In fact, I’m enjoying some R & R right now as I sit lounging on the backyard deck.  I have a full frontal of 3 birdfeeders who are all being attacked by avian assaulters.  It’s a microcosm of society – Lord of the Flyers, if you will.  The hummingbirds are working their wings off for a sip of nectar.  The finches politely share space on the feeder.  The male and female cardinals hang together – true love birds. The blue jays bully all the other birds away.  And, the lazy squirrels simply hang out below capturing seeds that the birds above spill to the ground.

The Bully

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is trying hard to get some R & R also.  Doesn’t he look like he needs it?  Poor guy.  The R & R on his agenda is not exactly like my backyard, bird gazing Rest and Relaxation.  The senator from Kentucky’s R &  R is Repeal and Replace!

The senator is a trained lawyer and must be skilled in logic, reasoning and interrogation techniques.  I have a sense that mathematics was not one of the senator’s stellar academic disciplines.

Here’s the situation:
  • There are 52 Republican senators
  • Two Republican senators are on the record as unwilling even to let the bill proceed for consideration. (52 – 2 = 50)
  • Within the past week, 10 Republican senators have raised serious concerns about the senate’s health care bill.  (50 – 10 = 40)
  • None of the 48 Democratic senators will support the bill.
  • Any Democratic senator who uses the word ‘repeal’ even by mistake will be sent to GITMO by Senator Chuck Schumer.
  • The bill’s public approval rating is a whopping 17%.  Great political cover for legislators who vote Aye!
  • Senator McConnell needs 50 GOP votes so Vice President Pence can push the bill into the end zone.
Can any of my brainiac readers with mathematical acumen show us simpletons a pathway to 51 votes?


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