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Whistleblower Wins Hospital Recognition

Everyone likes to be recognized for a special achievement or accomplishment.   Every career has special awards and commendations for everything.   While there’s no reward that matches cold hard cash, many of these honorable mentions have no tangible value whatsoever.  Pull into a fast food parking lot and you may see a parking space designated with a sign proclaiming, Employee of the Month!  Such an award conveys appreciation but does little to enhance the standard of living of the recipient. It seems that every other week there is some award show on television for the arts and entertainment industry.  99.44 Pure! I’d like an award, or at least a citation, for the work that I do as a gastroenterologist.   Fortunately, there are many awards and honors that I am eligible for.   Here are some of the prestigious honors that would illuminate any curriculum vitae. Fellow of the American College of Flatulence Honorary Doctorate of Hemorrhoidology Election to the Sphincter Pr

Is My Doctor Thinking of my Best Interest?

Do you think that physicians’ advice should be based on their patients’ best interests? How about lawyers?  Plumbers?  Financial brokers? An advisor who has what is termed a fiduciary duty is required to use the best interest standard with his client.  For example, an attorney is prohibited from recommending that his client proceed to trial, which would be beneficial financially  to the lawyer, if the attorney believes that a settlement serves his client’s interest better.   While it may not always work this way in the real world, this is how it is supposed to happen. "Toilet's clogged, ma'am.  Better replace the whole thing." Shockingly, investment brokers, unlike certified financial planners, have no fiduciary responsibility when advising clients on thei r personal investments.  They are free to make financial recommendations that are ‘suitable’  for a client , even if this would not be in the clien t’s best interest.  The broker can consider his own

Do Doctors Tell the Truth?

I love teachers.  And, I love the teaching profession.  I remember years ago teaching one class to middle-schoolers on a subject that I thought exuded fascination and drama – the Civil War.  It was a long 50 minutes.  Even my daughter was doing her best to feign interest.  While the fault here may have been with the guest instructor, the lesson for me, which I have not forgotten, is how tough the teaching trade is. Teaching - Leave it to the Professionals I don’t have the same affection for the teachers’ unions as I do for the profession.  Their unions are advocacy groups to protect the interests of its members.  There is nothing wrong with this.  Many professions and occupations, including mine, have similar societies to whom constituents pay money in  exchange for various job protections. My issue with these groups is when they torture the truth to disguise the real reason for their positions.  Of course, even the most disinterested spectator can see through this chara

Are CT Scans Accurate for Diagnosing Cancer?

A female patient came to see me with some difficulty swallowing, a very routine issue for a gastroenterologist.  I performed an scope examination of her esophagus and confronted a huge cancer occupying the lower portion of her esophagus. Life changes in an instant. I expected a benign explanation for her swallowing issue.   She was relatively young and not particularly ill.  She had seen my partner years in the past for a similar complaint, which he effectively treated by stretching her esophagus.  I expected that I my procedure would be a re-run.  I was wrong. Prior to the procedure, we chatted and I learned that she had recently undergone a CAT scan of the chest ordered in response to some respiratory symptoms, which were not severe.  After I had completed my scope examination of her,  I was amazed that no mention of this tumor was related to the patient, who had told me that only a hiatal hernia was seen. I requested a fax of the report which confirmed that the r

Do Physicians Need a Religious Freedom Restoration Act?

There’s nothing like discrimination – true or imagined – to keep our airwaves humming.  Earlier in the week, Indiana and then Arkansas were media fodder for laws that were proposed to protect religious freedom.   Yes, I know the other side of the argument, that these ‘religious freedom’ protections were veiled attempts to discriminate against the LGBT community.   Both states raced to revise their original laws, although the laws' backers deny any discriminatory intent or effect. It was likely that these governors feared an economic riposte from large companies who have expressed concern and disapproval over the perceived discriminatory effects of religious freedom laws.  I wonder how many of these companies do business with or remain silent about countries that use child labor, discriminate against women, have no freedom of speech or make homosexuality a crime.  Realize that the original RFRA proposals do not guarantee an outcome in any dispute, a point that I believe is

Should Hospitals Ban Workers from Smoking at Home?

I practice gastroenterology in Cleveland in the dark shadow of a large medical institution whose name contains the name of our city.  They are a world class medical institution whose reputation is largely derived from its cardiovascular department.   Presumably, these practitioners, like all doctors, advise patients who smoke that cigarettes have deleterious health effects.    The entire campus is smoke-free, as are all hospitals today.   This is a relatively new development.  A few years ago, nurses and other hospital staff would huddle at the entrance puffing away.   No more.  Now, there is no smoking anywhere on the hospital property.  Hospital puffers now have to wait until quitting time, when they are behind the wheel and leaving the grounds before they light up.  I’m okay with all this.  The hospital should set an example to promote better health.  Patients and families who enter the hospital who must pass through a smoky fog might wonder about the hospital’s commitment to h