Early on, when the first coronavirus infections starting springing up in the U.S, I wondered if these infections and the threat they posed were truly qualitatively different from seasonal influenza. As I became more informed, I recognized that the health experts were correct; this is not the flu. I was not persuaded, however, by the high mortality rates which were initially quoted. Even today, we will hear and read that mortality rate for COVID-19 may be 10 times higher than that of seasonal flu, which is in the range of 0.1%. We simply cannot make such an assertion authoritatively. The truth is that may be grossly overestimating COVID-19 mortality for a simple mathematical reason – we simply don’t know the extent of infected Americans who have mild disease or remain asymptomatic. With widespread testing, we will likely verify that the percentage of COVID-19 fatalities is much lower than originally thought. In simple terms, the larger the population segment there is with m
MD Whistleblower presents vignettes and commentaries on the medical profession. We peek 'behind the medical curtain' and deliver candor and controversy in every post.