The world is asunder. As I write this, Iraq is sinking into a sectarian abyss. ISIS, a terrorist group, now controls a larger territory than many actual countries. Russia has swallowed Crimea and has her paw prints all over eastern Ukraine. China is claiming airspace and territories in Southeast Asia increasing tensions with Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines. The Israeli-Palestinian peace process is in another deep freeze. Terrorists in Sudan and Nigeria are kidnapping and murdering innocents with impunity. The Syrian regime has resulted in 160,000 deaths and has displaced over 6 million people. The Taliban continue to destabilize and terrorize in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Disease and hunger claim millions of lives in the developing world while other world regions have a surplus of food and medicine. We have an immigration crisis in this country that gets worse by the day. Several million Americans are still out o...
MD Whistleblower presents vignettes and commentaries on the medical profession. We peek 'behind the medical curtain' and deliver candor and controversy in every post.